Get Ready to Party!

Thank you to everyone who was able to make our March guild meeting. Between Kathie and Ted, we have comprehensive notes for our minutes.  A fantastic collaborative effort!  These will allow review for those who were in attendance and an…

Court Positions

The NOBO Handweavers guild needs a couple positions filled to complete our Court!  Please consider the following two positions – Organizing Chancellor and Lady/Lord of the Lens Scribe. The Organizing Chancellor is a shared position and one member has come…

New Position Listed

Gail, our Town Crier, suggested the addition of a position that would oversee our guild’s involvement in events.  Coming to mind would be the example of Fiber Revival.  In this case, the “Organizing Chancellor” would make sure NOBO Handweavers is…

New Year Weaving Business

Our January meeting is “Weaving Wearables”.  On there is information about the Handwoven/Vav Garment Challenge we spoke of during a past guild meeting.  The challenge actually opens today.  Handwoven will select among the entries – 5 loom-shaped garments and…