Okay, so there are no perfect tools but some come close. I was wondering what your “must have” weaving tools are. In particular, shuttles. I have a pair of Howell Little Man boat shuttles that came with my Glimarka. I…
The NOBO Handweavers Galleries are ready for input/feedback/testing. If you’re up for some fun this weekend, feel free to go ahead and start trying it out. You’ll need a username and password, and also be a paid Guild member. Send…
Today’s mail brought Leicester Longwool handspun yarn from Cranberry Moon Farm, Cummington, MA. Lisa Westervelt is shepherdess, spinner, weaver and the first registered Leicester Longwool breeder in MA. Despite all she packs in during a day, she agreed to spin…
You asked for photo albums? You’ve got photo albums. Personally, I prefer Galleries, sounds classier. Because, really, all photos are a work of art and tell a story. But, that’s a topic for another day. This is bare bones, but…
Good news – the NOBO Handweavers scarf team has almost reached our goal of $600 towards the world’s largest fiber flock. We have had some tremendous donations and still need a few more. Reaching our goal will purchase 5 sheep…
Taks at the Big E coming right up!
Yes, these three things have something in common- Groton, NY! Recently, Margaret heard back from a UK guild about exchanging bookmarks, woven from rare breed wool. I thought I had some gray Cotswold but it turned out to be gray…
Are you accustomed to getting your posts via email? Well, you can now do that here as well. Over in the sidebar is a link that says “Subscribe to NOBO Handweavers by Email, click here.” Subscribe to NOBO Handweavers by…