Tuesday, March 16, 6:30-8:30 pm is the next “Open Studio for Weavers” at A Loom with a View. Drop-in fee of $20. Betsy will be demonstrating the direct warping method on Schacht’s FLIP, a folding rigid heddle loom, from 6:30-7:30pm.…
Well, I finished my Handwoven “Not Just For Socks” entry. Let’s just say it’s a good thing that the camera can make something look finished when it’s not quite there yet… I’ve named it the Just For Socks Bag and…
Kathie and Mary are to be commended for the thought and foresight they put into choosing NOBO’s leadership for the upcoming year. And, of course, many thanks to Lady Margaret and her Court for accepting these responsibilities. It’s going to…
As you may know, the current issue of “Handwoven” magazine issued a reader challenge. At Betsy’s suggestion, Kathie K. and I accepted this challenge. We plan to bring our projects (finished or not) to the meeting next week, and are…
The following link was included in the Boston Weavers Guild latest email broadcast. I really enjoyed reading through this and believe it is worth sharing with everyone – http://www.windrewindweave.com/weaversWORDS01.19.10.pdf
I just got the 3 NEWS sample books that we’ll look at next week. They are Shadow Weave, Color and Weave, and M’s and O’s. Lots of interesting samples to see. You might want to bring your cameras, so you…
Our results of – choosing a breed or breeds, sourcing fleece, roving, and/or yarn, spinning for some, designing, and weaving. Leicester Longwool, Cotswold, Dorset Horn, Lincoln, Oxford, Black Welsh Mountain, Clun Forest, Shetland, Shropshire, and Southdown.
Great video of an old historic mill; has the last commercial working ‘mule’. I would love to go there! http://www.wcsh6.com/life/programming/local/207/story.aspx?storyid=114119&catid=50
John Nove has recently donated several books on natural dyeing to our library. The books have been catalogued, shelved, and, thanks to Dave, added to our web site under the heading “Natural Dyeing.” Lots of good info. Check it out.