The new minutes are posted
Minutes of the June 2014 meeting of NOBO The meeting opened with Tip Jar ideas. The main tips were from Eileen, Betsy and Kathie about using social media in our weaving lives. Eileen shared her favorite Ravelry sites and encouraged…
Margaret and Melissa have been taking care of our enrichment program, but both of them would like a couple of members to step forward and take over the administration of the program. Below is a description of the duties that…
There are still some openings for the Ikat Dye Workshop on Saturday, June 21. The Friday workshop is filled. If anyone is interested in taking the Saturday workshop, please let me know and I will provide you with the information.…
I have received a request for someone to warp a loom as a birthday present. I believe the person is willing to pay for the service. Below is the email I received which contains as much detail as I have.…
Driving in to work this morning, listening to BBC as usual, I heard the expression riotous weavers which made me pay more attention to the article. While the primary article dealt with Laurie Lee of Cider with Rosie fame I…
Charlotte sent me an email: I have a large loom and spinning wheel in my basement that I am very willing to donate to the Guild. I would like to find out if anyone is interested. Please email me for…
The minutes for the May meeting of NOBO are now up on the website for all to see – thanks to Ted
I took a look and thought it was great. The chance to read reviews made it very helpful, also the fact you got some info on the content- such as the number of pages. It it will be interesting to…
Hey everyone, I found this post from back in the beginning of NOBO (July 2009 to be specific). Does anyone know what the NOBO login is? I thought it would be a nice thing to revive and use for our…