One More Update

I have just updated the web site again because of another security vulnerability. This is mainly a bug fix release and there are no other significant changes. With luck the hackers will take the Summer off. As always if you…

Recent work

I created three small pieces for a local fundraiser, and thought I’d share a (not-so-great) photo of the trio. The great news is that they sold right off the bat. Woo hoo! The yarn was dyed in a nearly exhausted…

Site Update

I have just updated the site to the latest release which includes a fix for a security problem. There are some additional changes with the more noticeable ones being on the Dashboard and a new distraction free editing option. One…

Georgia Cotton

We have purchased yarn from the Georgia Yarn Company and received this emailing today. Other members may be interested.  I have a lot of natural Georgia cotton in 8/4 on a 7 pound + cone, 3 cones of 8/5, 5 pound +…