I am helping a friend find the loom of her dreams. She is searching for a used Macomber, 40″, 8 shaft with 10 plus treadles. Please let me know if you come across one. Thank you! Margaret
I have just updated the web site again because of another security vulnerability. This is mainly a bug fix release and there are no other significant changes. With luck the hackers will take the Summer off. As always if you…
I created three small pieces for a local fundraiser, and thought I’d share a (not-so-great) photo of the trio. The great news is that they sold right off the bat. Woo hoo! The yarn was dyed in a nearly exhausted…
ANTRIM HANDWEAVING STUDIO & STUDY is offering A WOVEN JOURNEY Travel to the fascinating land of weaving! Be introduced to its language, discuss project planning and weaving drafts (directions for constructing woven fabrics), learn how to measure fibers…
I have just updated the site to the latest release which includes a fix for a security problem. There are some additional changes with the more noticeable ones being on the Dashboard and a new distraction free editing option. One…
The minutes have been posted under the Minutes link and for convenience may be read here. Included are the two handouts from Terry for the LibraryThing Demo and ted for the NoBo WebSite.
We have purchased yarn from the Georgia Yarn Company and received this emailing today. Other members may be interested. I have a lot of natural Georgia cotton in 8/4 on a 7 pound + cone, 3 cones of 8/5, 5 pound +…
To secure my lease sticks, I use two long piece of string between the front and the back beam in a loop one on each side. They should have enough tension not to sag under the weight of the warp.…
Hopefully you have all found a place for the snow to go by now. Digging out when you live on a narrow old street presents the problem of a lack of storage space for the snow. We’re still chipping away…