The minutes for the September Meeting have been posted. Please use this link NoBo_Minutes_0924 or the Minutes page. This meeting featured a presentation by Sarah Fortin who shared her extensive knowledge of weaving for garment construction as well as techniques…
Explore the traditional art of handweaving and use the wool of a primitive sheep breed as your fiber. This workshop offers an extraordinary opportunity to experience the entire weaving process in one weekend! Measure your fibers on a warping board,…
For those of you who missed it, here is a photo of our Guild display at NEWS. Kathie did an amazing job! It was the best table there!
The minutes for the June Meeting have been posted. Please use this link June 2015 Minutes or the Minutes page. Included are some pictures of the Weaving Memories items that were on display and described. The notes only provide an…
The minutes for the May 2015 meeting have been posted under minutes. I have included some photos of Roberta, the demonstration piece and two others. Thanks to Margaret for proof reading the minutes and providing corrections.
At the May meeting there was some concern that members were not submitting pieces for the NEWs awards. I am acutely aware of the writings by a frequent contributor and Handwoven Staff member about articles submitted for shows and how…
Wonder of Wool: Ancient Fiber to Modern Marvel May 20-Dec 31, 2015 “Wool is one of the most commonly used fibers in the world and easily the most misunderstood. Wonder of Wool: Ancient Fiber to Modern Marvel takes a fascinating…
Does anyone have a 24-25″ 10 dent reed they would like to sell? If so, please let me know. Margaret
Thanks to Martha for taking notes. The minutes for April have been posted under Minutes. If there are corrections or additions please send them to me. Thanks Margaret for the corrections – ted
Is anyone interested in warping a table loom for a nice lady who is happy to pay for the service? She wants to weave but has always had someone else dress her loom for her, and she can’t take a…