I’m looking for a book detailing the history of spinning wheels. A book entitled “The Spinning Wheel” was mentioned at NOBO last evening; however, I do not have the author’s name and have been unable to locate a copy. Would…
Last Fri eve, Betsy and I attended the opening of the annual Spring Show of the Greater Haverhill Arts Association. This year, the show exhibited a few added art forms – pottery, clay, blacksmithing, stained glass, and … fiber art!…
May 23, 2010 If nominations were submitted for the dubious honor of “The Original Curmudgeon,” it is entirely possible that, in his time, William Henry Harrison Rose (1839 – 1913), would have been in the running. Weaver Rose, sometimes called…
At last month’s meeting, Lady Nobo alluded to “something of interest in the upcoming issue of Handwoven magazine.” The magazine is now in the hands of subscribers, and, I assume, on the newsstands as well. See Page 29, lower left-hand…
If you do the Facebook thing, Handwoven just launched a page. They’re listed as Handwoven-Weaving Today. Next—Twitter!
The Haverhill Art Association, http://haverhillartassociation.org, is holding its annual Spring Art Show, May 18th – 31st, at the Buttonwoods Museum in Haverhill. For the very first time this show will include a display of fiber art. Included are one of my handwoven pieces, a needle felted…
This looks like a fascinating tour and workshop opportunity. Wish I could get away to attend. TINKUY de TEJEDORES A Gathering of Weavers November 5-6, 2010 • Sacred Valley, Peru The Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco (CTTC) invites you…
Now that the NH Sheep and Wool Festival has passed, there’s still the MA Sheep and Wool Festival to look forward to. It’s on May 29th and 30th in Cummington,MA. Admissions free but there is an $8 per car parking…
Coming up soon is the New Hampshire Sheep & Wool Festival, May 8 & 9, at the Hopkinton State Fairgrounds in Contoocook. Same weekend, same place is also the New England Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association’s Alpaca Fest. Gates open…
On Saturday and Sunday, May 22 and 23, respectively, demonstrations will be held from1 – 4 p.m. in the Atrium at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem. There will be a total of three demos, one of which is entitled “Weaving…