Gaby’s presentation was a gift not only of textiles and traditions, but also a glimpse into the culture which she so dearly loves. Many thanks for sharing so much with us. How apropos to have this great effort of Andean cultural preservation…
We, Ladies of the Draft & Lady Margaret, have attempted to organize our guild meeting time so that it is as productive as possible. This time pie is a visual breakdown of how we see future meetings running. Let us…
NOBO officially became a member of NEWS, New England Weavers’ Seminar, and as such will participate in planning the July 2011 conference.
Take a few moments to peruse the Fiber Reading List. Melissa and I have finished updating the original listing and Melissa has completed the descriptions. Thanks to Ted, it is now part of our website. The listing is accessible by…
During the May meeting, we received some wonderful contributions to our library from long-time members Patricia Morton and Sue Jones (well, as “long-time” as is possible), in addition to several items from Linda Snook, Librarian for the Weavers’ Guild of…
June 20, 2010: The following quote, printed on the back cover of The Handspun Project Book, is attributed to one Joan Z. Rough: “ ‘Where do you ever get the patience to raise the sheep, to spin the wool into…
Melissa is providing us with the amazing – a description of each and every book on the NOBO Fiber Reading List. Hold onto your shuttles because at last count, there are over sixty titles! Don’t miss our June 24th meeting,…
Please support your local fiber writer and fiber shop. Wild Fibers, Summer 2010 issue is out! See what breed Rare Thoughts shares with you this issue, read about the first fiber farm CSA, Arctic Qiviuk, Sericulture, and MORE! A Loom…
Be sure to get hold of the May/June issue of Handwoven!