Our meeting is tomorrow (Thursday October 27) from 7 to 9 pm This month’s speaker is Deb Watson and she will be discussing/demonstrating Backstrap Weaving. Up for business discussion is NOBO Handweavers Fibershed project, updates on our NOBO Handweavers flyer,…
The Magic Happens class offers a sleight of hand — the weaving of a scarf with differential shrinkage using alpaca/wool and bamboo. The method is known as Cram and Space. The result is a scarf with enchantingly framed felted squares…
The Nov/Dec 2011 issue of Handwoven magazine just hit the shelves. Get your copy before they disappear. It’s a keeper!
Anyone interested in a small mending job? This lovely alpaca blanket has a 3 inch tear and the owner would like to find someone who can needle weave a repair. Doesn’t look too difficult to me. If you are interested…
As I mentioned in my previous comment, nettle cloth has grabbed my attention. Here’s a video/article that’s wonderful: http://www.theecologist.org/green_green_living/clothing/304924/second_skin_why_wearing_nettles_is_the_next_big_thing.html Also: http://www.swicofil.com/products/016nettle.html and http://savagedesigns.net/pages/ It seems the fiber shed movement is on the march!
Great minds think alike (Melissa and Kirsten!). You all probably receive the Weaving Today e-newsletter but I thought I’d share it here as well: Who Says Weavers Can’t Buy Local? What’s in your “fibershed?” As appealing as a little building…
This just came in to my e-mail. For those of you who are interested in weaving for yardage, I thought it might be of interest. Enjoy! http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/20175/the-work-of-weaver-teresa-kennard/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=eletter&utm_content=20111011-weaver-teresa-kennard&utm_campaign=threads
Please consider giving one or more beautiful spinners fleece sheep a home. They are from Lydia Grew’s original flock, her son Joe sold them on and now that owner is liquidating (- her entire 100+ acre farm in Topsfield!). SO,…
Our guest speaker this month is Roben Campbell. Roben will be doing a presentation on Shaker Textiles. If any member has anything Shaker, please bring to meeting for Show and Share. The business meeting will include – a discussion about…