I am working on updating the ‘catalog’ of the NOBO library (it is going a bit slower than I was hoping it would). Until then you can continue to use the list we have posted to the website (click on…
Melissa has created a Sample Binder complete with the NOBO Logo. This is a link to the pdf version. NOBO Sample Binder and this is the link to the .doc version NOBO Sample Binder
Reserve one of these dates! The Ikat Dye Workshop is being offered on Friday June 20 and Saturday June 21 at the Universalist Unitarian Parish Hall at 26 Pleasant St. Newburyport. The same content is covered in each workshop but…
Handwoven items by Guild members will be on display at the Georgetown Peabody Library during the months of April and May. The library is located at 2 Maple Street in Georgetown, MA. Library hours can be found on the Library’s…
Oh oh, one of our library books is on someone’s bookshelf and we don’t know whose! The book is The Silent Weaver: The Extraordinary Life and Work of Angus MacPhee by Roger Hutchinson. It was returned by a member on December 5th…
Today’s New York Times Magazine has “a behind-the-scenes look at the nearly lost art of American textile manufacturing”. If you don’t have access to the magazine, visit – There are actually more photos online than in the magazine. Ironically no…
The next NOBO meeting is Thursday, January 23rd, 7:00 pm, (6:30 social hour and refreshments) at the Byfield library. Our Ladies of the Draft have planned to present an informal panel discussion on the topic of Starting a Business. The…
Terry and I have made a date to officially exchange duties as “Keeper of the Written Word”. On Thursday afternoon, January 16th, the guild’s library books are going to be transported to their new home in Terry’s studio in Lawrence.…
Here is a grand opportunity to purchase a 36″ 4 shaft standard style maple Schacht floor loom. The gentleman selling the loom is looking for a good home and a quick home. As you can see from the photo,…
Hi everyone, Convergence 2014 is in Providence, RI. July 14-19, 2014. Registration starts this Monday, the 16th of December. The list of workshops, seminars, etc. is in the latest issue of Shuttle, Spindle, and Dyepot or HGA website: http://www.weavespindye.org/ Hotel…