NOBO Library

I am working on updating the ‘catalog’ of the NOBO library (it is going a bit slower than I was hoping it would).  Until then you can continue to use the list we have posted to the website (click on…

Fruits of the Loom

Today’s New York Times Magazine has “a behind-the-scenes look at the nearly lost art of American textile manufacturing”.  If you don’t have access to the magazine, visit – There are actually more photos online than in the magazine.  Ironically no…

Guild Library Books

Terry and I have made a date to officially exchange duties as “Keeper of the Written Word”.  On Thursday afternoon, January 16th, the guild’s library books are going to be transported to their new home in Terry’s studio in Lawrence.…


Hi everyone, Convergence 2014 is in Providence, RI.  July 14-19, 2014. Registration starts this Monday, the 16th of December. The list of workshops, seminars, etc. is in the latest issue of Shuttle, Spindle, and Dyepot or HGA website: Hotel…