Happy 2nd Anniversary NOBO Handweavers!

This Thursday, April 22, 7-9 pm, is our 2nd Anniversary meeting. Come celebrate royally as we enjoy the planned festivities – please bring along something to add to the Feast (potluck), a skein or cone of yarn if you would like to participate in the Medieval Fiber Barter (aka Yankee Swap), and don’t forget something for Court Entertainment (Show and Share).  Our Exchequer would like to remind everyone to bring Gold Coins ($20/year dues now due, $10 one-time library fee).

4 Replies to “Happy 2nd Anniversary NOBO Handweavers!”

  1. I can’t believe it’s been two years! Congrats to all!
    I will not be attending – dealing with lots of stuff.
    I am still weaving – first project on my new loom. It’s all the same and so different! But I am finding my rhythm and enjoying large!
    I bought Margaret’s Ashford Traditional and have been spinning up a storm on that. I think the wheel is ecstatic to be spinning again!
    I hope to make a Guild sometime this summer.
    Have fun all!

  2. We know you’ll be there in spirit, Susan,
    and look forward to
    seeing you when the time is right.

    All I’ve got to say is “thanks!”
    NoBo has been such a joy in my life.

    Long live Lady NoBo and all the NoBoites!

  3. And a wonderful time was had by all!!!

    I came home with a cone of 2/8 Pearl Templon 100% wool as part of the Medieval Fiber Barter. Am not familiar with this yarn – can anyone tell me about it? I spent a bit of time this morning using it in a Rigid Heddle inlay project – works well. Many thanks to Whomever…..

  4. What a great celebration! Thank you everyone!! I am looking forward to seeing all that NOBO Handweavers will accomplish and enjoy in our 3rd year. Looking over the past two years, it can only continue to be amazing!

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