Library thing

I took a look and thought it was great.  The chance to read reviews made it very helpful, also the fact you got some info on the content- such as the number of pages.

It it will be interesting to see how much original entries Terry will have to make for some of the old monograms we have.

2 Replies to “Library thing”

  1. Library Thing is a cool tool. Definitely something we should pursue.
    I’ll ask Susan Babb if she knows the password next week, post holiday. If she doesn’t know, then we should start a new one. I think I need to start an account for myself!

  2. I set up an account for myself and started entering my own books right after the meeting. Why did I not do this sooner?! So easy to enter, sort, review, make notes, and much more.

    Using Library Thing as they go-to place for the NOBO library will save the librarian an enormous amount of time and effort, after the initial build, of course. And members can easily search to see if a certain book is in our library before they head off to the bookstore or public library.

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