North Ronaldsay Yarn

Liz Sorenson is going to be selling these beautiful skeins of North Ronaldsay yarn in her shop but wanted to give NOBO weavers the first crack at them. I bought the darker and lighter grays and they are SO soft and lovely. If you’ll remember, these are the Scotish seaweed eating sheep!
These are the only skeins she has and won’t be a line she carries, so I thought I’d share this opportunity.

Here’s the info from Liz:

The skeins are all priced by weight, so they vary from skein to skein. Reading the photo from left to right, the prices are:

“worsted weight”
2-color “dark brown/white”: 115g/203m and 120g/203m 2 @ $22 each
“dark brown”: 120g/203m 2 @ $22 each

“dark grey”: 130g/402m 2 @ $33 each (price is higher because 130 g compared to 105 g below)
2-color “dark brown/white”: 105g/402m 2 @ $27 each

To my eye the “dark grey” is much more of a medium or light grey, but that’s their name for it.


Here’s Liz’s e-mail if you’d like to contact her:

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