Memories of Dye Day


A perfect summer day…pondering the mystery dye…smiles and hugs and laughs…my special wooden tags…a riot of color on the fence…onion skins doing their magic…spinning in the shade…Peg’s beautiful walking stick…mixing it up with tansy then indigo…frogs in the dyepot…”I didn’t think I was interested in dyeing”…a coffee ice cream soda from Hodgies!

3 Replies to “Memories of Dye Day”

  1. Wow, and the skeins even fly up to the sun! Beautiful colors! I would love to hear more from some of you. It looks like a fabulous time!

  2. NOBO’s first Dye Day was full of memories and lots of fun.
    I’d like to say it was better than I expected but it was exactly as I expected—perfection!
    The best part? All the beautiful souvenirs we now process that will forever bring back the memories of friends and fiber. Such colorful fiber!

    There was mention of starting study groups, which would be wonderful.
    When I arrived home, I started poking around on the Internet and found interesting sites highlighting mushroom dyeing. The colors were astounding!
    That’s an area that I’d like to explore.

    Thanks to Kathleen, her husband, and everyone who made this event happen.

  3. This was a fabulous day. While it seems to have taken us a bit of time to get to this point, I love the idea of more regular knowledge sharing and experimenting and creating outside of our more formal meetings. We have such a talented group of lovely people, and this day was a highlight of my NOBO experience.

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