Beyond Plain Weave

I thought I would share a few articles you might find interesting after last night’s wonderful presentation by Barbara Herbster. All are from Weavezine. The first was written by Tien Chiu, one of the founders of Weavolution, and it’s called Plain Weave Variations. The second is by Bonnie Tarses and is Weaving with Unknitted Cashmere. You may recall the lavender sachet Barbara showed us which was woven by Bonnie using reclaimed cashmere. And here is a link if you would like to learn how to weave your own spa washcloths like the two that Phyllis shared. There are so many wonderful articles (and podcasts!) on Weavezine, and all of the projects are free. Check it out if you haven’t already.

2 Replies to “Beyond Plain Weave”

  1. Thank you, thank you!

    After Barbara’s presentation, I’ve been motivated to explore some plain weave variations and these links will get me there.

  2. thanks for the post, Melissa. It’s a good follow up to Barbara’s wonderful lecture!
    I especially liked Tien’s article. Quite inspirational.

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