Thrums Up! The new weaving guild in NH

Below is information from Susan DiLuzio about the other weaving guild in NH. They meet on the 4th Saturday of the month, which is wonderful for people who can’t make all the other guilds Wednesday daytime meetings. I went to the meeting that they held at Harrisville and it was a lot of fun.
They now have a permanent place to hold their meetings~ the Fiber Studio!
I am planning on going to the August meeting. If you have any questions, please email Susan
I hope you can make it! Maybe some of us could carpool?

Here is the info:
 As you know, we discussed the idea of ‘settling down’ and planning the
> majority of our meetings at a consistence location.  The Fiber Studio has
> agreed to have us.  Thank you Melanie and Pam for your generous offer!
> Their space is easily accesssible for schlepping in equipment and for anyone
> with mobility issues.  The size of the room will also provide ample room for
> Thrums Up to grow – and it appears we’re growing.  Word is out!
> Our next meeting will be the fourth Saturday in August, at the Fiber Studio
> in Henniker, NH from 10 AM to 3 PM.  Bring a bag lunch and your show ‘n
> tell!  Bring your rigid heddles, card weaving, weave its – you just never
> know what will happen!  And bring your ‘story’.  we want to know – how did
> you come to be a weaver?
> Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
> Susan

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