Antrim Handweaving, Studio & Study, Beginning Weaving Session Starting March

                             Antrim Handweaving, Studio & Study is running another session of

the ever popular weaving adventure known as

“A Woven Journey” 

Over six weeks, you will travel to the fascinating land of weaving.  Here is your opportunity to learn its language, discuss project planning, read a weaving draft (directions for constructing woven fabrics), measure fibers on a warping board, dress a loom, and WEAVE.   A gamp of plain and twill weaves will be woven while you discover color interaction and pattern structure.

No experience necessary.  If you have never woven or need a full refresher, this outing is for you.  Even if you have taken a previous session of “A Woven Journey”, you might want to consider another visit to the world of weaving.  The gamp has been redesigned and will offer the returning student a fabulous review of the weaving process.

Monday evenings


March 4, 11, 18, 25

April 1, 8

(April 15 will be used as a makeup classif a class is cancelled due to weather)

Six student maximum and two instructors!

Betsy Martin

Margaret B. Russell

Class cost – $250 includes use of 4 shaft Schacht table loom & weaving tools.

Fiber fee – $32



Studio & Study

10 Orchard St.

Byfield, MA

For more information or to reserve your place in front of a loom, contact:

Betsy – A Loom with a View


 Margaret – Antrim Handweaving, Studio & Study



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