Salem NH~ Spin-In and Circular Sock Machine Crank-In this Sunday!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that our next Crank-In (and Spin-In at the Crank-In) will be this Sunday~ Sunday January 13th, 2013! For those of you who haven’t been before, we gather inside the building in front of a lovely fireplace. If the weather is questionable, please email or call me to confirm that we will be holding the Crank-In.

Diane ……and the usual…..

“Socks By The Side of the Road” is hosting another

Circular Sock Knitting Machine Crank-In and Spin-In at the Crank-In!

* When: Sunday January 13th, 2013 from 10-4

* Where: The NH State Rest Area on rte 93 in Salem, NH. The rest area is located

on the northbound side of rte 93 just over the Mass/NH border. It is very nice

place to meet inside with air-conditioning/heat and a fire in the fireplace in the winter.

* What to bring:

For Spinners: your wheel , a chair, lunch and a snack to share (if you want)

For Crankers: a table or stand, chair, CSM & related stuff, rug or towel to put on the floor under your machine, your lunch and a snack to share if you want)

Hope you can join us! Please let me know if you can come and don’t forget a chair.

Any questions, please email me or call,

Diane Howes

howesfarm@ 603- 382-2270 pocket phone 603-819- 1461

p.s. No selling allowed at our meetings~ The State’s rule, not ours!

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