An email has been sent to David Z regarding our decision to be involved with Creative Haverhill next year rather than this year. However if anyone would like to demonstrate weaving this year at The Shop@90Wash, he is booking for…
Hunting for ideas, actually. NOBO needs to start thinking about our NEWS guild exhibit for 2013. Melissa and I thought about tying our Fiber Shed project in with a Made In New England theme. Any other theme ideas floating around?…
There are currently openings in workshops offered by the Nashoba Valley Weavers’ Guild to be given on Oct. 27 & 28: Polymer Clay Buttons with Connie Gray Zentangle with Jean Theurkauf Finger Weaving with Pam Engberg Kumihimo with Judith Shangold…
I will be bringing along some books and magazines to Thursday’s guild meeting. The theme of these will be – Bead Leno. I know Patricia’s presentation will be very inspirational and figured a basketful of resources that compliment her topic…
A Woven Journey – class number 3!
Hello NOBO Handweavers, Our guild meeting on Thursday, September 27th will be held at the Byfield Library. The Social time will be 6-7pm and the meeting will promptly follow 7-9pm with light refreshments. We will devote some time to Old Business…
If anyone is interested in some dyer’s chamomile, I am happy to share. I can bring along divisions on Thursday evening. I planted three plants about this time last year, and they all grew quite large this summer. -Melissa
The remaining mobile shop for Creative Haverhill is on Oct 7 at Winnekenni Chowderfest. I would like to put a couple of towels in the shop but not able to get there on the 7th. Wondering if anyone is planning…
Many of you know that we just put our 300-year old house on the market. We’re having an open house tomorrow, 12-1:30. Please tell anyone you know who might be interested in or looking for a beautiful old antique, with…
Antrim Handweaving Studio & Study’s first weaving session – A Woven Journey!