Thread: Strawbery Banke Museum May 1- October 31, 2012



Blow are snippets of the press release as posted at SB’s website. See the link below to read the entire thing.


“This exhibition portrays the people of Portsmouth, the way they lived and worked and the way they presented themselves to the world in the historic buildings that form the Strawbery Banke living history museum. The cut, heavy silk and brass buttons of Samuel Cutts’ suit speak to his Colonial prominence and explain why he would be the man who met with Paul Revere in Stoodley’s Tavern. The tiny cuffs and tiny buttons of Sarah Goodwin’s gown, made of the printed cotton woven at her husband (NH Governor) Ichabod Goodwin’s Steam Factory, echo what is known of her social position and household staff. The pink satin dress Patricia Brackett wore to the 1954 Portsmouth High School Junior Prom, displayed in the 1950s vignette in the Shapley-Drisco House, affirms that these are the clothes of real people who led real lives here.

Many of the items from the Museum’s Collection are displayed for the first time. As the pieces from the Museum collection are too fragile for permanent display and as the contemporary design will return to their creators, Thread is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

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