New Position Listed

Gail, our Town Crier, suggested the addition of a position that would oversee our guild’s involvement in events.  Coming to mind would be the example of Fiber Revival.  In this case, the “Organizing Chancellor” would make sure NOBO Handweavers is represented by having a space filled with weavers and their looms.  This person would seek members who would volunteer their time to weave under the eyes of the public, arrange for the display of woven pieces, etc.  NEWS is also in our future.  The member in this position could help with the set-up of our guild’s Rare Breeds display.  Again, as with all positions, there is flexibility.  There is the basic responsibility and then it is up to you to tailor the position to your liking.

We have had a few repeat officers come forth but we are nowhere near filling required positions.

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