4 Replies to “Ladies of the Draft present: TIME PIE”

  1. I like this – a good concept which seems to allow ample time for everything that needs to be covered. How do you plan to keep us on track and on schedule?

  2. We definitely need a timekeeper or co-timekeepers to keep a watchful eye on the clock. It is our objective, that is the Ladies of the Draft and Lady NOBO, to allow for more of a weaving focus during our meetings. Obviously that is the reason we are all there but it does seem the business end gets quite full and takes up a good portion of our time. The encouragement is for those members in various positions to tend to as much business outside meeting time as possible. That is, rather than holding discussions during the meeting that realistically should involve only the few that have been appointed/volunteered to make decisions, we will limit discussion only to the times when it needs to involve all members. Then, final reports that come from these outside meetings can be presented to all.

    This will take easing into but the goal is to provide meetings that are in sync with the “time pie”.

    As Kirsten said, we welcome suggestions.

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