Greater Haverhill Arts Association and Fiber Art

Last Fri eve, Betsy and I attended the opening of the annual Spring Show of the Greater Haverhill Arts Association. This year, the show exhibited a few added art forms – pottery, clay, blacksmithing, stained glass, and … fiber art! Photography was reintroduced as well. The show continues through the 31st and I encourage everyone who may have the opportunity to visit and support the inclusion of fiber arts. More info can be found on their website –  Betsy’s wrap, Susan’s scarf, and Kim’s needle felted piece were stunningly and prominently presented in a separate pedestal display case.

This Arts Association is very interested in future displays of fiber art pieces. I will be talking about this at our next guild meeting. Should anyone not be able to attend this Thursday’s meeting and would like more info about displaying and possibly selling their work at this venue, be sure to send me an email. This is quite an opportunity for handweavers and other fiber artisits to educate the public regarding our “art” and this association is quite receptive for us to do so.

One Reply to “Greater Haverhill Arts Association and Fiber Art”

  1. I stopped by the Haverhill Art Association exhibit today – happy to note that the case containing the NOBO-related fiber art was prominently located. The three pieces contained in the case offer a nice contrast in colors and textures and type of wearing that can be done. A good start on “educating the public.”

    The exhibit is located in the Buttonwood Museum, Haverhill, on Water Street. Prominent sign out front. Easy to find.

    Hopefully, some of you will be able to attend between now and the end of the month.

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