TINKUY de TEJEDORES, A Gathering of Weavers

This looks like a fascinating tour and workshop opportunity. Wish I could get away to attend.

A Gathering of Weavers

November 5-6, 2010 • Sacred Valley, Peru

The Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco (CTTC) invites you to participate in a tinkuy, or coming together, of weavers and spinners in the Sacred Valley of the Peruvian Highlands near Cuscoon November 5-6. Two days of presentations will be followed by optional hands-on workshops on November 7-8. A tour that includes the tinkuy, the workshops, and visits to weaving villages and archaeological sites will also be available.

The purpose of the tinkuy is to broaden horizons, deepen understandings, and forge connections among people who are passionate about textiles. Weavers from nine communities associated with CTTC, and weavers from several other countries of the Americas, will share traditions and techniques, and with all those who value the art and craft of weaving and spinning. In addition to presentations by the local and visiting weaving communities, there will be illustrated talks by specialists on themes of common interest: fibers, natural dyes, historic textiles, and international projects that support weavers.

Workshops in traditional Andean techniques of backstrap weaving, tubular ribetes (edgings), chullo (hat) knitting, and natural dyeing will be offered for English- and Spanish-speaking guests on November 7th and 8th. The workshops will be taught by CTTC weavers and a bi-lingual person.

To receive more information on individual registration and on the tour package, send your e-mail address to tinkuy@textilescusco.org . As soon as the information packet is complete, it will be sent to you.

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