Photo Albums?

You asked for photo albums? You’ve got photo albums. Personally, I prefer Galleries, sounds classier. Because, really, all photos are a work of art and tell a story. But, that’s a topic for another day.
This is bare bones, but a good place to start. I’ve used this gallery setup before, so it’s familiar territory.
The whole directory/gallery can (should be) made passworded also. Also, each individual gallery may be protected individually as well. A universal password should be agreed upon at an in-person guild meeting at some point.
Each Guild Member may be signed up to upload their own images.
For now, have a quick look, I’ve put in a few images to give you an idea of the potential.
The NOBO Handweavers Galleries
PS- Feedback is always welcome.

4 Replies to “Photo Albums?”

  1. This is all beginning to make more sense. I realize I need to replace “private” with “password protected”. Understanding those options, it seems we can share posts, events, and “Galleries” (I definitely agree with the thought behind Galleries) with visitors as each member desires. Then one can opt to keep certain content among members only by requiring a password. This whole site gets better and better!!

  2. This is such a great idea, Dave!
    Being a visual person, images really hit home for me.
    I can’t wait to try loading my own photos.
    This inspires me to weave more!

    Another good feature is the show and share aspect.
    Our NOBO meetings are always so jam packed with good stuff but showing and sharing all our creations would keep us there until midnight.
    This way we can still share and ask questions about drafts, fiber etc.

    Congratulations on offering us another feature that we probably wouldn’t have thought of for quite awhile. This is shaping up to be quite the website. Better than I could’ve ever imagined. The interactive quality is what really makes it special 🙂

    BTW, I do like the password protected option when it comes to showing original designs.

  3. Thanks to you both. Like I said a while ago, this is a site under development; but, with all this great input, we’re turning this into a guild site to be proud of. Everyone’s input is valuable and it only makes sense that people speak up and share that voice. Between us all, it’s all feasible.
    Does anyone want to be a Galleries tester and try their hand at uploading some photos? Just let me know and I can create a user account for you.

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