Viking Twill Towel

Hello everyone,

I received an e-mail recently from Kim Caufield who was spreading the word about some talks scheduled for the Big E in Springfield, MA:

#1 Fri. Sept 25 at 3 PM  on Early Development of Textiles

#2 Sun. Sept 27 at 3 PM on the History of Cotswolds and the Medieval Wool Trade.

Link to the Big E is oddly enough

This is a big B (bummer) because it conflicts with the Common Ground Fair otherwise I’d definitely go. I promised Kim I’d get the word out. Maybe you all are aware and this is redundant?

Also Kim has been raising Cotswolds for 15 years so I asked her about getting some yarn for the bookmark exchange. She tells me that it’s difficult to find a commercial spinner due to the long staple length.  I may be switching to Lincoln for warp and am off to Vermont to find some during my vacation.

I also wanted to say how much fun I had at the Fiber Revival earlier this month. I am late to post this remark, but hope more of you will attend next year.  My completed dish towel (of cottolin) is attached. Refer to the latest Handwoven ; it’s a twill pattern used by the Vikings in the 10th century!!

A big thank you to Kathy James who provided a wonderful talk on color at the last NOBO meeting . It was impossible to get any sleep after that. I hope to see her again at Historic new England.



2 Replies to “Viking Twill Towel”

  1. Eileen- your dish cloth is wonderful.
    The fact that you can demonstrate weaving with something fairly involved, impresses me to no end.
    All I can say is- you’re going up 🙂

    Thanks for the Big E info. Medieval Wool Trade sounds fascinating.

    I agree about Kathy James.
    My mind was just spinning with all the insight she gave us into her creative process.
    It’s through the generosity of people like her that enables me to grow as an artist and a weaver.

    I’m so impressed with all the guest speakers that we’ve had and look forward to our current line up.

  2. I am going to echo Kathie’s thought about Eileen demonstrating weaving with her towels. Every time I looked over, Eileen and Kathie were talking and explaining weaving to yet another person while working on their pieces. It is the ultimate in multi-tasking.

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